Giving Tuesday is coming on November 28

Organizations that have board and donor engagement on giving days raise 2-3 times more than those that don’t involve their constituents in their efforts. Will you help take our Giving Tuesday success to new heights?

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising is as easy as:
  1. Becoming a Champion: show us you’re rooting for us by raising funds on our behalf through Give Big Pittsburgh (powered by
  2. Telling your Story: using your fundraiser dashboard, customize your page with images, text, and video.
  3. Spreading the Word: Share your fundraiser with your personal network to promote The Children’s Institute Foundation.

How do I become a Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser?
If you weren't invited to fundraise for us, you can still sign up! View our profile here and click the Fundraise button. [Find help with setting up your fundraising account at the GiveGab Help Center].

What link do I share?
You'll want to share the link created for your fundraising page found in your Fundraising Dashboard. You can also share our main campaign link, and your supporters will still be able to donate to your specific page!

How do I get the word out?
To get the word out about Give Big Pittsburgh, you'll want to communicate with your contacts through email messages, social media posts, and word of mouth. Check out some of the sample content below for ideas of what to post and when!

What am I Responsible for?
As a Fundraiser, you're responsible for getting the word out about Give Big Pittsburgh, and encouraging support for your fundraiser and The Children’s Institute Foundation!

Our goal for Giving Tuesday is $55,000 and you are responsible for helping us reach that goal. You should set an individual goal for your fundraiser to let your friends and family know what portion of our goal you are hoping to help achieve.

Most importantly, you are responsible for having fun with your fundraising efforts and working to share enthusiasm and support for The Children’s Institute Foundation and our mission. Create a fun video and colorful, passionate thank you message. These small gestures can go a long way for your fundraising efforts!

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Resources and Downloads

You’re here because you have a personal connection to The Children’s Institute. Sharing your why can help you tap into your network and encourage others to support a cause close to your heart.

Asking for support can be stressful and uncomfortable, but this storytelling template makes it easy to gather talking points so you can share your story with your personal network when promoting Giving Tuesday. Take some time to consider the following questions as you craft your fundraising profile, emails, and social media posts.
  • How did you hear about our organization?
  • What made you decide to engage with our organization?
  • Do you know someone who is personally affected by our mission and services? Why do you continue to support our organization?
  • What’s your favorite thing about our organization?
  • What’s one thing you wish others knew about our organization?
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The Children’s Institute Foundation has an exciting announcement!

I am excited to announce that on November 28th, The Children’s Institute Foundation will be participating in Give Big Pittsburgh! This 24-hour online event is a great way get our community excited about giving locally, and an amazing opportunity to raise funds for amazing kids as we seek To Heal. To Teach. To Empower. To Amaze.

[Your Personal Story: Why are you supporting this organization? What impact has this organization had on you/your family/your friends?]

Check out our fundraising page here: [LINK TO GIVING DAY PROFILE]

Thank you for supporting The Children’s Institute Foundation and our amazing kids and families!


Subject: Help @AmazingKidsPgh raise $xxx,xxx!

Hi [first_name],

The Children's Institute Foundation is working around the clock to raise funds for amazing kids and families during Give Big Pittsburgh. You can stay up to date all of their amazing progress online via Facebook and Instagram. Following The Children's Institute Foundation is the best way to stay up to date on all the great work being done in our community for amazing kids!

Give Big Pittsburgh is a 24-hour giving challenge on November 28th, and they will be updating all of their followers before, during and after! You can also stay up to date directly on our fundraising page here: [LINK TO GIVING DAY PROFILE]

Your likes, comments, and shares make a direct impact on our community, today and every day.

Thank you for supporting me and The Children's Institute Foundation.


Subject: The Children's Institute Foundation is important to me. Will you help these amazing kids?

As you may know, I am [a member of the board of directors for/a supporter of] The Children's Institute Foundation. This year will be raising much-needed funds and awareness in support of helping amazing kids reach their full potential during Give Big Pittsburgh.

The Children's Intitute Foundation is important to me because [Your Story: Why do you support this organization? What impact has this organization had on you/your family/your friends?]!

The Children's Institute Foundation is committed to helping amazing kids and families through their mission: To Heal. To Teach. To Empower. To Amaze.

Give Big Pittsburgh is a 24-hour giving challenge to celebrate the generosity of our great community, so please join this movement by contributing on November 28th! Check out our page here: [LINK TO GIVING DAY PROFILE]

Thank you for supporting me and The Children's Institute Foundation!

Share Your Story: Share the story of why this organization matters to you and why you are passionate about their mission. People respond better to someone’s personal experience than a generic ask. Pull at their heartstrings and show them why this is a cause worth caring about.

Use Money as a Motivator: Put your money where your mouth is! If you are already planning on donating to your organization on Give Big Pittsburgh, consider setting some of that money aside to motivate your network to take part in the fun. Offer to donate $5 for every share one of your social media posts gets - or for every new donor that makes a donation! Get creative and have fun!

Like and Share: Whenever the organization you are supporting posts content on their social media page, you can help to make that post go the extra mile by liking it or sharing it with your own friends. It’s a quick and easy way to make sure more people are seeing those messages and learning how they can support their mission.

Collaborate: Collaborate with other Social Media Champions! Interacting with other board members or supporters on social media can be a great way to have an organic conversation about your organization that also promotes your cause and your participation in #GiveBigPittsburgh! Don’t be afraid to use that @mention to promote a little friendly competition either! Set Small Goals: Set a weekly quota for yourself to make sure that you’re staying connected and helping your organization reach their goals. Our team of fundraising experts recommends at least one original post every week as well as several likes and shares to make sure that no one misses a beat this Give Big Pittsburgh!

Use #GivingTuesday and #GiveBigPittsburgh: Don’t forget to use #hashtags in your posts! Hashtags are a great way to be a part of the conversation and get your message out there to more people. Whether it’s #hashtags that represent your cause like #animals #literacy or #hunger or #hashtags that promote the event #giving #fundraising #donate or #nonprofits - using hashtags is the perfect way to engage with more people throughout the great social network!
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>>The Children’s Institute Foundation is participating in Give Big Pittsburgh, a 24-hour giving movement, on November 28th! Join me in supporting The Children’s Institute Foundation as they help amazing kids. As a fundraising champion for The Children’s Institute Foundation, I have my own fundraising page, so check out this link to donate to my personal fundraiser during Give Big Pittsburgh: [FUNDRAISING PAGE LINK]

>>Give Big Pittsburgh is in less than X days away! My goal is to raise $X for The Children’s Institute Foundation, but I need YOUR help to get here. Make a long-lasting contribution here: [FUNDRAISING PAGE LINK]

>>TODAY IS THE DAY! I need your help in supporting The Children’s Institute Foundation so they can continue to help amazing kids and families. I am fundraising for The Children’s Institute Foundation because [IMPACT ORGANIZATION HAS HAD ON YOU]. Please consider making a contribution to my fundraising page here: [LINK TO FUNDRAISING PAGE]. Your gift will make a huge impact on amazing kids and families!
Use your own personal photos to show your support and tell your story, and make sure to use #hashtags in your post!

Insert the link to your fundraising page in your bio, that way your supporters will be able to navigate to your fundraising page right from Instagram!

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>> Still don’t know which organizations to support on #GiveBigPittsburgh? I’ve got a few ideas for you! Check out @AmazingKidsPgh to see all of the incredible ways your contribution will have an impact on Pittsburgh community for the #GiveBigPittsburgh on November 28th!

>> Friends, with only [X TIME] until #GiveBigPittsburgh, will you join me in supporting The Children’s Institute Foundation on November 28th? Every dollar makes a difference in helping to heal, to teach, to empower, to amaze. Help me and @AmazingKidsPgh make Pittsburgh community a better place!

>>#GiveBigPittsburgh is here! Over the next 24 hours Pittsburgh community will come together to support all of the incredible nonprofits in our community. Today I am proud to support @AmazingKidsPgh and help them promote their mission and have a greater impact on Pittsburgh community.

>>Wow! @AmazingKidsPgh has already raised [X AMOUNT] during #GiveBigPittsburgh! With only [X AMOUNT] hours left - will you help them reach $xxx,xxx by 11:59PM on November 28? Every contribution today has a direct impact on amazing kids!
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The Children’s Institute Foundation needs YOU! Join me in supporting their mission to heal, to teach, to empower, to amaze!: [FUNDRAISING PAGE LINK]

I am fundraising for The Children’s Institute Foundation during Give Big Pittsburgh on November 28th! Check out my page here [FUNDRAISING PAGE LINK] to donate and share!

Follow @AmazingKidsPgh on Twitter for live updates throughout #GiveBigPittsburgh!

I am proud to support @AmazingKidsPgh on #GiveBigPittsburgh to help them make a difference in Pittsburgh community!
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>>On November 28th I am proud to support The Children’s Institute Foundation in #GiveBigPittsburgh in an effort to raise awareness for amazing kids and families and make a positive impact on Pittsburgh community. Join me in making a difference in Pittsburgh community! [FUNDRAISING PAGE LINK]

>>On November 28th I will be joining The Children’s Institute Foundation to celebrate #GiveBigPittsburgh - an exciting day for our community to recognize all of the amazing work nonprofits do and the impact they have on Pittsburgh community and beyond! Head to my fundraising page to learn more: [FUNDRAISING PAGE LINK]

>>Friends, with only [X TIME] until #GiveBigPittsburgh, will you join me in supporting The Children’s Institute Foundation on November 28th? Every dollar makes a difference in helping to heal, to teach, to empower, to amaze. Help me and The Children’s Institute Foundation make Pittsburgh community a better place!

>>#GiveBigPittsburgh is here! Over the next 24 hours Pittsburgh community will come together to support all the incredible nonprofits in our community. Today I am proud to support The Children’s Institute Foundation and help them promote their mission and have a greater impact on Pittsburgh community.
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I Gave Badge (png)
Donor Badge (png)
Thank you (jpeg)

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Call Us: 412.420.2400

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